Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31: Work Day

Today, I have to leave a little early...about 2:00. My daughter Holly is sick, and I need to take her to the doctor.

Hopefully, your interview questions are returning! Yes? No? Please let me know if I need to email anyone and "gently" remind them the importance of their returning the questions.

As you begin composing your leads, are there others you should interview? If so, prepare those questions and plan to deliver them today. On Cafe Newspaper, two reporters linked their links from Thursday's class. If you are not quite finished, you may use some of today's time working on those.

Please plan to also include plenty of quotes throughout your feature. For a review of quotation marks, please click here and work through the last three links.

Now, think about which question you want to ask your featured person...going "LIVE!" Today, you may spend some time "playing" with a flip video camera.
  • When is your interview scheduled? You may leave me a comment below when you have a date and time. Thanks!
Remember, we have two-ongoing assignments:
  1. New Masthead Competition! Deadline this Friday, Sept. 4!
  2. Research your famous historical journalist.

Plenty to do! Busy! Busy! Busy! ~~ Type! Type! Type!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Are the Results In?

Great job on interview questions...I have already received one sent back in my mailbox...hoping you have heard from yours in your email...?

Your assignment now:
  1. Read your interview questions. Decide your angle. Develop your lead.
  2. Set up your "live" interview! Practice with the flip video cameras.

Other t0-do jobs:

  1. Research your historical journalist.
  2. Create a masthead for the competition.

Busy! Busy! Now...go type! Type! Type!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let's Get Started!

Thanks for joining the newspaper class!

So far, your assignments are...
  1. Famous historical journalist.
  2. Masthead contest.
  3. Feature story.
  4. Read the information about the history of journalism and the 1st Amendment.

Today, we need to discuss the inverted pyramid and create and distribute your interview questions.

Upcoming Deadlines:

  • Masthead: September 3
  • Feature Story: September 3
  • Famous Historical Journalist: 2nd Nine Weeks

Let's go to work!