Monday, October 19, 2009

Deadline Day!

Please complete your pages today and leave me a note below on your progress before the bell today.

PICTURES: You may place photos by clicking File: Place....find where you photo You do not have to use ImagePlacer!

I need grades for you! You need grades for you! Do you have final copy of these assignments in the correct folder? They go on last nine week's grade!
  1. All your assigned stories (feature, clubs, sports, editorial, and entertainment page) in the correct folder in the October Newspaper File.
  2. Completed page
  3. Famous Historical Journalist Presentation: this should be in your reporter folder on the N: Drive. Please plan to present on Friday!

REMINDER: Leave a comment below about today's progress!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Opinions, please!

Please go here to learn about editorial writing.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Just Got to Say...

Click here to see how many ways one can say...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gillmore Cafe Choices!

Please take some time today to research your historical journalist. Remember to save the URL's to your sources!

Remember your goal is to create a PowerPoint presentation to aide in your presentation. Please limit the number of words on a slide...few to none! Use pictures, phrases, charts, graphs. This is not something your viewers are to sit and read; it's purpose is to simply aide in our understanding of your journalist.

Please check with your "people" to see if they have completed your interview questions. Goal: to create a hard-copy newspaper next week!

Ready to be published authors?

Please leave me a comment with any questions or concerns.

You are great! Thanks!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sept. 15: Questions! Questions! Questions!

Today....let's first work on interview questions on our new club and sports stories.
  1. Write questions for several people for each story.
  2. Print and disperse (either via email or by hand-delivering.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 3: A Historical Perspective

Today, we need to spend some time
  1. completing feature stories. Type! Type! Type!
  2. creating creative! I have placed some links to a few Pioneer mascots here.
  3. reading PowerPoints (click here to access them) about the history of journalism. Click on the first three links. Read! Read! Read! We will discuss these on Friday. Be ready!
  4. embedding your leads here. Thanks, Chelsea and Destiny, for linking your leads!

Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31: Work Day

Today, I have to leave a little early...about 2:00. My daughter Holly is sick, and I need to take her to the doctor.

Hopefully, your interview questions are returning! Yes? No? Please let me know if I need to email anyone and "gently" remind them the importance of their returning the questions.

As you begin composing your leads, are there others you should interview? If so, prepare those questions and plan to deliver them today. On Cafe Newspaper, two reporters linked their links from Thursday's class. If you are not quite finished, you may use some of today's time working on those.

Please plan to also include plenty of quotes throughout your feature. For a review of quotation marks, please click here and work through the last three links.

Now, think about which question you want to ask your featured person...going "LIVE!" Today, you may spend some time "playing" with a flip video camera.
  • When is your interview scheduled? You may leave me a comment below when you have a date and time. Thanks!
Remember, we have two-ongoing assignments:
  1. New Masthead Competition! Deadline this Friday, Sept. 4!
  2. Research your famous historical journalist.

Plenty to do! Busy! Busy! Busy! ~~ Type! Type! Type!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Are the Results In?

Great job on interview questions...I have already received one sent back in my mailbox...hoping you have heard from yours in your email...?

Your assignment now:
  1. Read your interview questions. Decide your angle. Develop your lead.
  2. Set up your "live" interview! Practice with the flip video cameras.

Other t0-do jobs:

  1. Research your historical journalist.
  2. Create a masthead for the competition.

Busy! Busy! Now...go type! Type! Type!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let's Get Started!

Thanks for joining the newspaper class!

So far, your assignments are...
  1. Famous historical journalist.
  2. Masthead contest.
  3. Feature story.
  4. Read the information about the history of journalism and the 1st Amendment.

Today, we need to discuss the inverted pyramid and create and distribute your interview questions.

Upcoming Deadlines:

  • Masthead: September 3
  • Feature Story: September 3
  • Famous Historical Journalist: 2nd Nine Weeks

Let's go to work!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Delimma

Plagued by unprinted papers...if nothing else, that was a pretty good use of alliteration!

Update your pages with what you can...we will work on this on Wednesday afternoon.

When finished, yes, study for those tests you have tomorrow!

Good luck!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thoughts on Freedom?

Please work on this assignment during class on Friday, April 24:
  1. Click here to go to class wiki (Mrs. Gillmore's Info) and preview the PowerPoints concerning the 1st Amendment.
  2. Now draft an editorial in Word stating your views of this amendment within our schools.
  3. Finally, click here to go to the Think Tank and upload your editorial.

For those attending Prom tonight...enjoy...and be safe!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Latest in Gillmore-Land!

I am out again today...thanks, I can hear those disappointed moans and groans all the way from here!

My stepson broke his ankle (very bad break) Tuesday evening and will have his surgery tomorrow at Arkansas Children's Hospital.

What might we work on today?
  • PowerPoints: I heard from Mr. Clint. Sadly, he thinks your files are permanently gone. I am sorry! I truly know the feeling on a greatly magnified level...remember when I lost everything on my external hard drive...and had no backups? Total boo hoo!
  • Today, if finished with your PowerPoints, view the other reporters PowerPoints. Then click on that reporter's name and leave unique comments or ask questions to stimulate some dialogue concerning this journalist on that reporter's page. First type your name; then the comment. Don't you just love technology?
  • Reporters, please check comments...and respond!
  • Stories? PLEASE email the stories going in this paper and save your "new" stories for the next paper. I did not get the next paper's pages put in a file...sorry! (Those family emergencies!)
  • Questions? Please leave me a comment or send me an email. I will read them and respond.

As always, you are awesome, and I appreciate you!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Write, Write...and Write Some More!

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gent!

Once again I am away from the classroom. Today's hat that I have on is entitle "Praxis III Assessor," which simply means that I am assessing a new teacher so that she might obtain her "real" teacher's license.

While I am away...please work on the following:
  1. Starting Friday, three of you will present per day your assigned journalist. Please respond in the comment section below and let me know which three will be presenting on Friday...thanks!
  2. Let's get back in vocab mode...list three for Friday. Okay?
  3. Write those stories! Need Quiz Bowl today! Please email me that story! Just received a photo of them competing this past weekend.
  4. Swim story needed! Have photos we can use
  5. Who's writing the track story? Anyone? Have photos...need story about recent meets and trophies they have received.
  6. Other stories needed! Still have some space in this paper...hope to print on Friday afternoon!
  7. So, yes! Write, write...and then write some more! Will have next paper's pages ready for you to begin placing to on Friday.

Hope everyone is having a grand day! Enjoy! Please leave me a comment below so I'll know that you read this blog post!

Monday, March 30, 2009

While the Teacher Is Away...

No, you may not play! Sorry, we must make more progress!

Paper will go to print on Friday. We will bind on Monday and then distribute. Okay?

Please do not make any changes to the newspaper pages as I have the final layouts with me. Need to make a change? Please email me the information or leave me a comment here.

In the meantime...
  1. Work on your stories. Be a pest...bug your interviewees!
  2. Finalize both of your journalist presentations. You will present both of them next week in the order of age, with the oldest journalist being presented first.
  3. Let's create a printable Public Service Announcement/advertisement (PSA). Each of you should choose a different topic. Check here for a list of topics. Might peruse the Batesville Guard or other newspaper for such advertisements for layout and content suggestions.

Thanks for all you do!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Challenge after Challenge!

Despite the server being down and little computer access the past two weeks, we will publish!

To-Do List:
  1. Continue interviewing.
  2. Begin writing the stories.
  3. Plan your layouts.
  4. Print and pubish.
  5. Celebrate!