Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Latest in Gillmore-Land!

I am out again today...thanks, I can hear those disappointed moans and groans all the way from here!

My stepson broke his ankle (very bad break) Tuesday evening and will have his surgery tomorrow at Arkansas Children's Hospital.

What might we work on today?
  • PowerPoints: I heard from Mr. Clint. Sadly, he thinks your files are permanently gone. I am sorry! I truly know the feeling on a greatly magnified level...remember when I lost everything on my external hard drive...and had no backups? Total boo hoo!
  • Today, if finished with your PowerPoints, view the other reporters PowerPoints. Then click on that reporter's name and leave unique comments or ask questions to stimulate some dialogue concerning this journalist on that reporter's page. First type your name; then the comment. Don't you just love technology?
  • Reporters, please check comments...and respond!
  • Stories? PLEASE email the stories going in this paper and save your "new" stories for the next paper. I did not get the next paper's pages put in a file...sorry! (Those family emergencies!)
  • Questions? Please leave me a comment or send me an email. I will read them and respond.

As always, you are awesome, and I appreciate you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mrs. Gillmore,
This stinks. I am no longer a fan of technology. Sorry about your son and his ankle.